The image is an infographic titled "What's the Cost of a DUI?" with a total cost of $13,500.

The Hidden Costs of a DUI

The Hidden Costs of a DUI

Imagine this: you’re out with friends, having a great time. Maybe you’ve had a few drinks, or perhaps you’re feeling the effects of an edible. The night winds down, and despite the little voice in your head telling you to call a ride, you decide to drive home. What could go wrong, right?


In Colorado, driving under the influence (DUI) is not just a minor mistake—it can change your life in ways you never expected. Beyond the obvious dangers to yourself and others, the hidden costs of a DUI can be staggering.


How much does a DUI cost in Colorado?


Many people think the only financial consequence of a DUI is the fine. In Colorado, fines for a first offense range from $600 to $1,000. But that’s just the beginning. According to the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), the average cost of a first-time DUI or DWAI in Colorado is over $13,500. And that’s just if you don’t cause any damage or harm to others.

The image is an infographic titled "What's the Cost of a DUI?" with a total cost of $13,500.

Image credit: Colorado Department of Transportation

Whether it’s alcohol, cannabis, or another impairing substance, a DUI in Colorado carries the same consequences. Here’s the breakdown:


  • Auto insurance increase (over 5 years following a DUI, on average): $3,600
  • Ignition interlock device rental: $2,172
  • Mandated alcohol/drug education treatment: $1,000
  • Attorney pre-trial fees, on average: $3,650*
  • Detox/jail fees: $303
  • Fine: $600-1,000
  • Probation supervision: $1,200
  • Alcohol/drug evaluation: $200
  • Victim Assistance Fund: $163
  • Towing fee: $175
  • Car storage fee: $49.20/day
  • Victim impact program: $50
  • Restricted license: $26
  • Instruction permit: $16.80
  • Brain Injury Fund fee: $20


*For those who choose to represent themselves in court, the average cost of a first-time DUI is over $10,000.


What are the hidden costs of a DUI in Colorado?


The indirect, long-term costs of a DUI in Colorado are severe and far-reaching.


Employment Consequences

A DUI conviction can make it harder to get a job, and impossible to secure a position that requires driving. If you currently have a job, the majority of Colorado employers will terminate you if they learn of your DUI. You may also find it difficult to maintain a job when you rely on other people or public transportation to get to and from work.


Criminal Record

A DUI is a criminal offense, meaning it will appear on your criminal record. This can impact your ability to rent an apartment, gain employment, apply for college, or even travel to certain countries.


Ongoing Increased Expenses

Increased insurance premiums and ongoing legal fees can make it difficult to break even, especially when your criminal record makes it more difficult to gain employment and/or education.


Limited Career Opportunities

In addition to limiting your education options and hiring opportunities, having a DUI on your record can prevent you from securing scholarships, internships, and other opportunities that are often crucial to building a successful career.

The image shows four young men inside a white car. The driver, who has dark hair and is wearing a green shirt,

What are the personal/mental costs of a DUI in Colorado?


The financial impact of a DUI is just one part of the story. The personal and social costs can be just as devastating:


  • Loss of freedom: With your license suspended, you’ll have to rely on others for rides or use public transportation. This loss of independence can be frustrating and limit your ability to go where you want when you want.


  • Strained relationships: The stress and stigma of a DUI can strain relationships with friends, family, and loved ones. The embarrassment of explaining your situation can create distance between you and those you care about.


  • Mental health impact: The guilt and regret associated with a DUI can take a toll on your mental health. It’s not uncommon for people to experience anxiety, depression, or a sense of hopelessness after a DUI arrest. DUIs that result in injury or death to others result in higher rates of PTSD among offenders.

The image shows a group of seven young adults casually hanging out in an alleyway between brick buildings

How do I avoid a DUI in Colorado?


The good news is that all of these hidden costs are 100% avoidable. Here are a few ways you can Make the Call to make sure you never find yourself facing the consequences of a DUI:


  • Plan your ride: Before you go out, arrange for a designated driver, call a rideshare service, or plan to take public transportation.


  • Stay over: If you’re at a friend’s place, consider spending the night instead of driving home.


  • Know your limits: Be honest with yourself about how much you’ve had to drink or if you’re under the influence of anything that might impair your driving. Remember: If you FEEL different, you DRIVE different. DUI offenders often tell law enforcement they thought they felt “good enough” to drive safely or thought they’d be fine because they were only driving a short distance.


  • Speak up: If you see a friend about to drive under the influence, step in and offer alternatives.


Remember, no matter how well you feel you can handle alcohol, cannabis, or other substances, the reality is that one poor decision can have a lasting impact. The hidden costs of a DUI aren’t just financial—they can ripple through every aspect of your life, affecting your future in ways you never imagined.


Together, we can end impaired driving. Make the Right Call for your future.


No DUI Larimer encourages all of our readers: Educate yourself about how substances affect you and how you can avoid driving impaired – take charge of your future. Make the Right Call.


Follow No DUI Larimer on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest for more ways you can combat impaired driving in our community.

 A young man drives his friends, two other young men, in a white car. All three are laughing. Text reads: “If you FEEL different…You DRIVE different.


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