2022 Can Be Better–And You Can Help!

We’ve officially made it to 2022! And while we may all be wary about whether this year will be better than the past two years, there’s many reasons for hope! 


At Partners, our biggest reason for hope is the youth in our programs. Our youth are incredible–they have so much capacity to build meaningful relationships, gain self-confidence, and work toward their goals for the future. Their potential grows when they have supportive adults in their life, which is why we are so dedicated to reaching new local youth in our mentoring programs this year. In order to match new kids with mentors, we need more volunteer mentors!


That’s where you come in! If you are looking for a way to make a meaningful difference in our community, please consider becoming a mentor. Not only will it have a huge impact on your future mentee, it will enhance your life and your connection to the next generation. Plus, it’s a volunteer role that comes with a ton of flexibility (you can set your own schedule and choose your own activities) AND a ton of support (you’ll have a contact on the Partners staff who will walk you through the whole process and always be available for questions). 

Help us celebrate National Mentoring Month 2022 by clicking above to get more info about our volunteer roles now! Any immediate questions? Reach out to Abby Rains, Mentoring Program Manager.