Responsible Association of Retailers

Front Range Chapters
The Responsible Association of Retailers (RAR) chapters in Larimer County, Weld County, and Boulder County are united in their commitment to the safe sale and service of alcohol and cannabis. These chapters are formed by member businesses, including liquor stores, bars, restaurants, and dispensaries. RAR members are partners in a community-wide effort to reduce youth access to alcohol and cannabis to ensure a safe environment for those who are of the legal age to consume alcohol and cannabis.
Founded in 2004, RAR helps create a more responsible environment for all by facilitating cooperation between the business members and various law enforcement agencies and government entities.
"The connection to law enforcement is so helpful — RAR helps us know what the rules are and gives us the tools to stay compliant."
- RAR Member
Make a Commitment with Partners and Help Youth Realize Their Potential for Greatness
![Responsible Association of Retailers (RAR) [Logo]](
RAR Promotes Safety
RAR Member Meetings
Every other month we hold meetings exclusively for our RAR Members. These meetings are a time for the members to learn or discuss something specific to their area of alcohol or marijuana service and sales. It is also a great time for the members to come together, outside of their competitive barriers, and discuss issues or topics, which might be affecting everyone in our community. Each Chapter attends 6 to 8 meetings a year, 2 of which bring all the members together, known as our ALL RAR meetings.
ID Compliance Checks
RAR members have the opportunity to receive an ID Compliance check on a monthly basis. These checks allow members to practice the interaction of ID’ing patrons responsibly and completely, and involve a RAR ID Compliance Checker (between ages 21-26) visiting the business as a customer to observe if their ID is checked properly. Whether the member business passes or received a violation, it brings a great opportunity for discussion on the topic and provides a more responsible atmosphere.
TIPS Training
Training for Intervention Procedures (TIPS) is a skills-based training program that is designed to prevent intoxication, underage drinking, and drunk driving. RAR provides TIPS trainings for all facets of the alcohol industry including On Premise, Off Premise, University, Concessions, and more. These trainings are provided on a scheduled monthly basis, and extra sessions can be made available as necessary for each community.
TenderWise Training
TenderWise is a Colorado Marijuana Enforcement Division (MED) and Colorado Department of Health and Environment certified Responsible Vendor Training, developed by RAR. This class provides cannabis industry budtenders, managers, and owners with education on Colorado marijuana laws, policies, procedures and responsibility. This class is designed to help responsibly sell cannabis and cannabis infused products in our Colorado legalized and regulated environment. Special attention is given to preventing youth access, reducing at-risk activities and other harms. These trainings are provided on a scheduled monthly basis, and extra sessions can be made available as necessary for each community.
Interested in learning more about RAR membership and trainings? Contact Nathan Dewey, RAR Director.