Mentor Recruitment Tools

Partners ALWAYS needs more volunteer mentors to work with youth in our programs. We believe that all youth who could benefit from having a mentor should get one, but we always have a waitlist of youth waiting to be matched. In order to match them all, we need more positive adults to get involved!


Help share our volunteer opportunities in your Northern Colorado networks. 

We are looking for volunteers from all backgrounds and experiences–anyone who is committed, caring, and safe could make a great mentor. 


This page contains recruitment tools for you to use. The more people we have sharing our mission, impact, and volunteer needs in the community, the more individuals we can reach. We think of it as a grassroots approach to promoting the work of Partners!

Here’s some places you can share and post: 

  • Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Tiktok, Reddit
  • Professional Networks: LinkedIn, Professional Associations, Networking Groups, Company Communications
  • Local Forums: Nextdoor App, Community Boards, Neighborhood Newsletters, Letters to Newspapers
Post Language: 
  • Looking for a way to make a major impact on our community? Partners needs volunteers! Our mission is to empower youth to achieve their full potential, and we are seeking more positive adult role models to help us! If you would like to BE the difference in the life of a local youth and you have time to give, please consider becoming a mentor. Mentors help youth gain confidence, social skills and hope, all while becoming part of our supportive and inspiring community. Visit to learn more and sign up!
  • Be the difference–become a mentor! Our local kids need support more than ever, and Partners makes it easy for you to make a positive impact. There’s a few ways to get involved–learn more and sign up at
  • We just expanded our school-based mentoring program into Thompson School District! We are eager to provide life-changing support to Loveland students–and you can help! We need volunteers in Loveland to spent one hour per week with a local youth. Visit to learn more and sign up!
Personal Ask: 
  • When I think about who would be a great role model for a kid who needs some extra support to reach their full potential, I think about you. Partners is a nonprofit in northern Colorado that really needs more volunteers to mentor local youth. They offer a ton of support to their volunteers and help you to be a really successful mentor. There are a few roles available–let me know if you’re interested and I can get you more info!


Organizational Info: 

Partners Mentoring Programs

Expanded Services Flier

Engage with Partners

Interactuar con los socios 


Mentor Recruitment: 

Mentors Needed Graphic

Connections–English and Spanish

Reach New Heights

Mentoring Connection Flier

Mentoring and Bonding Flier

Be A Mentor–Text Image

Mini Fliers–To Print


School-Based Mentor Recruitment:

Lunch Meeting Flier

Lunch Meeting Graphic

Connection Flier

Connection Graphic

Supplies Needed Flier

Supplies Needed Graphic

School-Based Mentors Needed Graphic 



Partners Organization and Volunteer Recruitment



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