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Virtual Learning Support

“The mission of Partners is to empower youth and community members to achieve their full potential through mentoring, prevention education, and strategic partnership.” After our ...
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Anxiety, Grief, Pride, Gratitude: The Feelings of This Moment

Words are not often difficult for me, but as I reflect on all that was 2020 and consider both the uncertainties and possibilities of 2021, ...
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Make the Call for a Safe Ride: Ride Service List

If you’re out drinking or using drugs and need to Make the Call for a safe ride home, we’ve got you covered. No DUI Larimer has compiled ...
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2020 Year-in-Review

2020 has brought so many challenges to so many of us. No one has been unaffected by the changes in our community as a result ...
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Rockin’ and Rollin’ with Gratitude

We had a ROCKIN’ time at our Rockin’ and Rollin’ with Gratitude event last weekend. The 2020 version (socially distanced and safe!) of our annual ...
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“Spark Giving” for Partners with Park Lane

Add some sparkle to your holiday season by shopping with Park Lane and benefitting Partners! Park Lane Jewelry, founded in 1955, is all about giving ...
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