Bus map showing Transfort’s Gold Route in midtown Fort Collins, Colorado

2023 Impaired Driving Community Survey Results

2023 Impaired Driving Community Survey Results

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As an organization dedicated to fostering safer communities and reducing the prevalence of impaired driving, we need to understand the attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions surrounding this critical issue in our northern Colorado community. We can now share the results of our No DUI Larimer 2023 impaired driving follower survey.


Who took this survey?

We provided links to this survey on our No DUI Larimer Instagram and Facebook accounts, offered it to each of our steering committee members, and asked steering committee members and staff at Partners to share it with their family and friends. We received 41 responses to our risk survey and 29 responses to our “Made the Call” survey.


Question 1: In the last year, have you made the call to prevent yourself from driving under the influence?

Out of 29 responses, 69% said yes, in the last year, they made the call to prevent themselves from driving under the influence. Thirty-one percent said no.


These numbers are similar to our 2022 survey results, where 73% of respondents said they had made the call to prevent themselves from driving under the influence, and 27% said they had not.


Question 2: In the last year, have you made the call to prevent someone else from driving under the influence?


Survey question 2 appears at the top of the image, with two pie charts below, one showing results from 2023’s follower survey and one showing results from the previous year, 2022

Out of 29 respondents, 51.7% reported yes, they have made the call to prevent someone else from driving under the influence in the past year. 48.3% reported “no.”


The number of people who said yes decreased, and the number of people who said no increased, compared with 2022’s follower survey where 71.4% of respondents reported making the call to prevent someone else from driving under the influence and 28.6% said they had not.


Risk Survey Question: Driving under the influence of _____ is a great risk

Risk survey question appears at the top of the image, above a continuum from “strongly agree (1)” on the left to “strongly disagree

In our risk survey, respondents were asked to quantify their perceived risk of driving under the influence of three substances: alcohol, cannabis, and alcohol and cannabis combined using a scale of 1-5, where 1=strongly agree and 5=strongly disagree.


Respondents strongly agreed, with an average response of 1.2, that driving under the influence of alcohol is a great risk.


Respondents strongly agreed, with an average response of 1.2, that driving under the influence of alcohol and cannabis combined is a great risk.


Respondents less strongly agreed, with an average response of 1.6, that driving under the influence of cannabis is a great risk.


We continue to see a perception in our community that driving under the influence of cannabis (marijuana) is less risky than driving under the influence of alcohol, despite research results to the contrary. As an organization, we continue to put an emphasis on education about the dangers of driving high under the influence of cannabis, both in our community-wide messaging and in our school education programs.


Survey comments


Our survey also included a section for respondents to share a comment about our work or a personal impaired driving story with us. Below are some comments we received from members of our community.


“I was at a reunion of sorts with some classmates from high school, recognized that lots of them were drinking too much to be able to drive home, and I started organizing the sober people around getting the others safely home. People were responsive and got everyone home safe – someone just needed to start the conversation!”


“I called a ride share to get a ride home when I may not have done so in the past after just a couple drinks.”


“Appreciate the education about cannabis.”


“I own a restaurant and have had to call multiple Uber and Lyft drivers to ensure all of my patrons arrive home safe.”


“Access to cheaper/free transportation for folks to use while impaired/under the influence would reduce barriers.”


“I stayed sober for a party, knowing that would be the best way to get everyone home safe.”

Four speech bubbles contain short comments and stories community members shared in No DUI Larimer’s 2023 impaired driving community survey.]


We extend our deepest gratitude to all of this year’s participants whose input will pave the way for a safer, more responsible community.


Join us in our commitment to creating safer roads and communities for everyone. Remember: If you FEEL different, you DRIVE different.


For an overview of the effects of cannabis (marijuana) on driving, see CDOT’s Drugged Driving Fact Sheet.


No DUI Larimer encourages all of our readers: Educate yourself about how substances affect you and how you can avoid driving impaired – take charge of your future. Make the Right Call.


Follow No DUI Larimer on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest for more ways you can combat impaired driving in our community.


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